Instructor Resource Area

resources to teach wilderness medicine courses


  • Company Reorganization!

    After 10 months of effort, we are now established as a Public Benefit Corporation in Colorado! This means we have a legal obligation to benefit the outdoor community as we grow our organization. We hope this ensures that Base Medical will continue to do good now and in the future. You can read our public benefit statement and our guiding inquisitions here.


  • Expanding the Team!

    We have successfully raised our Series A funds! This investment will be used to grow our team, including a Training Director, Marketing, and Sales. The Training Director will be responsible for supporting instructors and improving the quality of our training program. So expect new and positive changes as we move forward! We are also looking for Curriculum Arthurs. Email if interested.

  • Paid Instructor Opportunities!

    We have over a dozen courses in the Seattle area with a need for lead or assistant instructors. We are also looking to train more Remote Instructors. Email for more information.

Offering a Wilderness Medicine Course - Start to Finish

Has it been awhile since you offered a course and need a review?

No problem! Here is a step-by-step guide to smoothly deliver a wilderness medicine course.

Course Administration and Logistics

Please email Course Admin if you need to postpone, cancel, or make other adjustments to your registered course.

Coming Soon

Teaching Resources

Scope of Education

Here are the learning objectives you must have your students to meet when you teach

Feedback on the SOE is needed! Please email with your ideas and thoughts for improvement.

Schedule Templates

Combo in-person WFA , WFR recert, and WFR

4/5 day In-person WFR

Lesson Guides and Materials

While instructors must teach to meet the learning objectives defined by the SOE, we do not strictly dictate how you teach to prevent stifling creativity. There are many ways to teach a given topic. Below are simply suggestions taken from other instructors. Feel free to use these materials or experiment with a new approach. The ultimate goal is to meet the learning objectives and make it as interactive/hands-on for the students as much as possible.

In-Person Teaching

General Course Materials


Secondary Assessment

Remote Teaching

Please share your ideas and lesson plans!

New! Learn how to improve your moulage game!

Online lessons and courses

Wilderness First Aid

Wilderness First Responder

Search and Rescue

Instructor Training Course

Instructor WFR and WEMT Recert

Instructor Resources

Connect with other instructors to help with courses.

Resources for instructor trainers, including evaluation forms.

Access resources and opportunities to improve as an instructor here, including PD credits to maintain  certification.

Share your photos and videos from your courses and adventures here! Or just email the Training Director.